May 11, 2003

Ayako goes to Sri Lanka

Last night Ayako had a farewell party at her place (I couldn't post since my phone battery was dangerously low). She leaves for Sri Lanka next week for a 2 or possibly 3 year job with the Japanese government. I definitely hope to visit her while she's there. Although I will miss her, we all know this is an excellent opportunity for her and I look forward to seeing where she goes after this.

I found one guy with a, ah, very interesting t-shirt. It had little examples of various bugs you can get...worms, fleas, and other scary looking fellows with names I can't spell.


Posted by Mie at May 11, 2003 01:25 PM | TrackBack


Thank you for your coming to my party yesterday!! It turned to be wonderful and friendly gathering after all. Yeah, having a party finally made me believe I am really leaving soon...

Well, I am surprised that you started a day early and did Mother's Day present after the night party. You are really good!


Posted by: Ayako at May 11, 2003 03:07 PM
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