July 31, 2003

why I'll miss my job

So far I've kept my work and my blog life pretty seperated.I certainly didn't advertise my blog to those I interact with for work.But now that I am leaving, I feel open to share more of myself. I administer scholarships for people from Asian transition economies and the firrt cohort from the 2 year program is graduating. Here are pics of them (and others I've come to know). Yes I am attached to them and quite proud of their work. I will miss them and all my other scholars. They wanted to keep in touch so I told them about this blog - the best way to know what I am doing and get in touch with me. I hope they log in. If you are one of my scholars (and yes, I realize I am a bit possessive here), "Hi! and thanks for stopping by. This is what I meant by your pic being on the web. Click on the Comments link to leave a note. Congratulations!"

Posted by Mie at July 31, 2003 08:36 PM | TrackBack

Are you moving back to the US permanantly? How strange! I suppose it will be easier for us to meet up if that is true. BTW, did you notice that william gibson blogged you about the love hotel?


I hope you are well and happy. I think of you often.


Posted by: Cameo at August 2, 2003 02:46 AM

Hey Cameo,

Great to hear from you!! I think of you too.

Permanently? I don't think I'll ever be anywhere permanently. But for the time being, yeah, I'm lifting anchor. My cats are coming with me.

I'll email details later..see you...

Posted by: Mie at August 2, 2003 02:09 PM

hi Mie,

we are so sad when you leave, it'a shock for me and my IMF colleges at Hitotsubashi University, we are planing to have party with you but we could'n do it now, it's so sad. However, I wish you all the best and hope to see you very soon.

I appreciate what you have done for me and thank you very much for that. Please keep in touch.

I'm in Vietnam now for my summar recess and will send you pictures that we took during the graduation party of 2nd student.

best regards


Posted by: Duong Nguyen Hoang at August 3, 2003 02:12 AM

hi mie, good luck on the move! being able to freely move between two cities/countries is a privilege i hope you appreciate. not everybody is as blessed.

i was trying to look for a way to get in touch with you (aside from comments), but either i was just blind, or there really isn't any other way (at least on this site). anyway, funny that you mention scholarships, because i am on the hunt for next schoolyear, and was just wondering if you could point me somewhere.

now who said reading blogs wasn't productive?

Posted by: nic at August 8, 2003 12:38 PM

Dear Mie,

I just got a chance to browse through your website now, been busy packing and saying goodbye to friends. Quite emotional times these days, sad but looking forward to going home. I just saw the pictures you took in our graduation party. Pretty cool thing, using your celfone for posting pictures on the web, i should try that some time. :)

We are very proud of you too, and we all agree that you have done a great job in helping us with our studies here. I am going back soon, and I hope we keep in touch. Best wishes in everything that you do and I hope you wont mind if I will leave blogs here from time to time.


Hazel Marie (from Philippines)

Posted by: Hazel Marie at August 8, 2003 09:34 PM

Hi Mie,

I am one of those whom you have come to know (not IMF scholar). I just want to say that it was great to meet you. I do wish you the best luck in your life.

Alisher (Uzbekistan)

Posted by: at August 9, 2003 12:52 AM

Hi Mie,

Wow..... good pictures, cool website!!
Btw, if u ever have plan to visit Indonesia or Jakarta, please let me know

Say hi to your lovely cats,

Anthon Novianto (Indonesia)

Posted by: Anthon Novianto (IMF scholar) at August 10, 2003 01:00 PM

Hi Mie,

Very impressive to visit to your website! Many thanks for your help, encouragements and motivation during our stay in Japan last two years. We were lucky for having such wonderful coordinator. Best wishes, ... good luck!

Posted by: Ganbold (ex-IMF scholar) at August 24, 2003 05:07 PM
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