July 01, 2003


Ha! I have hacked Mie's blog! She's so 0wnz3r3d! M4d pr0ps 2 #IA -n- nat4lieSF!

10 PRINT "Dav is l337!"
20 GOTO 10

Just kidding. I've been carrying around Mie's cellphone for a couple of days now and finally set up a posting account for myself on TT. Mie's parents took us to a "zen" restaurant with an excellent Japenese vegetarian set menu. The ambience was fantastic; we had a charming and elegant two-tatami room to ourselves with a view on a private garden. The meal consisted of somewhere around ten courses where each course usually involved three to eight delicious choices. I think my favorite was the Japanese pumpkin soup. The service and presentation was top notch, which is to be expected from something chosen by Mie's father. After all, he did write the book on eating well in Tokyo. Mie's mother and father are great dinner companions, I can see why she turned out so well :)

Naturally, being an idiot, I forgot to mark the GPS location and I never got the name of the place. Maybe Mie can post that info later. After dinner we found a summer street fair going on in the neighborhood and she got a few good photos from that which I'm sure she'll post soon.

Jya ne...

Posted by dav at July 1, 2003 07:58 PM

Dav, what's all that gibberish stuff? You may struggle with Japanese, but I sure have no clue about this language...although it looks cool posted on TT : )

Yeah, Bon at Iriya station (next to Ueno) is quite an experience. So glad you were there too instead of me having to just share it electronically.

Posted by: Mie at July 2, 2003 10:00 AM

it's elitist hacker slang, designed to confuse people outside your in-group and hopefully impress them and tag yourself as one of the chosen or the "elite" (or "l337" -- get it? it looks sort of like "leet" if you type it on an 1970s computer), much as teens or ivory-tower academics do with their own jargon...

Dav's got his tongue firmly in cheek here (where did that expression ever come from by the way?) but a lot of guys take this very seriously; it's a way of showing you've spent a lot of time exposed to such geekspeak; you know the shop talk


Posted by: sean at July 2, 2003 03:14 PM

Sean, google is your friend ;)
(scroll down for origin of "tongue in cheek.")

Posted by: Gen Kanai at July 3, 2003 02:46 PM
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