May 14, 2003

Before and after

I generally cut my hair like 3 times a year and pay 1,000 yen for it...the type of place that let's you walk out with wet hair. Today, I splurged and went to a highly recommended place. I do this once in a while when I wanna change - I go and say, "do what you think is best; I trust you." It's scary and I had no idea what I'd be posting 'post' cut to you...

Turns out the result was rather tame. I know you can't really see; it's basically my messy hair shorter. It feels better though and I'm pleased. But geez. The service! I had a consultation beforehand, a head massage, a hair wash (with a hot peppermint scented towel under my neck), a cut, a hair rinse, another head & back massage along with an arm & hand massage, then a gentle blow dry!! Took 2 hours!! Once in a while it's nice though.

The hair guy was Tanaka-san. He didn't cut the traditional way, as in taking a layer of hair and cutting it straight at some length. I can't describe it, but he more or less casually took a bunch of hair and kind of jabbed his scissors at it. He also had this funky tool of 3 scissors connected together. Neat!

Posted by Mie at May 14, 2003 01:57 PM

Mie! You have GOT to get a new phone with navi maps on it. I have been preaching on the JapanBloggers mailing list all day about the good of adding a location to post and pics and you owe your"moblogging-early-adopter"self to do that too. On top of that you always go out and leave comments about nice places you discovered and had nice food etc, it would make sense to have a map attached to that no? people could figure out where it is and go too. And then your Dav could write a plugin for MT to extract that link to a map you get in your post and make it in a nice link to that map in your post as well as add geotags to the post etc... Convinced? I ll help you choose the phone...
Also, when are we having our moblogging outing?

Posted by: Paul at May 14, 2003 10:02 PM


I'm going to Tokyo this summer and plan on getting a haircut... Would you recommend Tanakaさん? Also, if you don't mind me asking, how much was the haircut?

Thank you

Posted by: Naomi 奈緒美 at May 15, 2003 12:58 AM

I don't think posting your precise location while blogging is such a good idea. If some psycho starts reading this blog, next thing you know we find Mie in three garbage bags...
Unless I'm missing something and those posts are not actually "live," I'd say it's a great idea in theory but a bad one in this particular case. ;)
That just made me think about a good plot for a new Hollywood movie! "Psycho Blogger," posting from cyber cafes after his crimes! Kevin Spacey as the ex-computer guy turned psycho after getting fired and humiliated because he was too good and dangerous for his superior, and Al Pacino as the old cop who doesn't understand all this hi-tech stuff. Who would do the cute girl who beats the Psycho at his own game at the end, thanks to her trusty cell phone though? Wait! I got a better title... "The Blog." ;p

Posted by: Mr. X at May 15, 2003 11:23 AM

Hmmm. Mr. X has a point, but I think it would be neat to post location. I'll step up to the role of beating any psychos...I'll round up the support of fellow mobloggers and we'll run around town tracking down the psycho...of course as we moblog it!

Paul, my awesome phone does have GPS...I just haven't used it (I should cuz I get lost all the time). Can I have you show me how to use it when we meet? Actually, I have a feeling we'll end up meeting at the Wed. MeetUp first since it's next week and I'm pretty booked. Let's discuss our outing then. : )

Naomi-san, yes, I totally recommend Tanaka-san. It cost, gulp, 5,000 yen. But you get treated like a princess.

Posted by: Mie at May 15, 2003 11:39 AM

Yikes. OK no talking about Mie and garbage bags.

I'd like to set Mie up with the option to geotag her posts. She can make reasonable assessments on when it's ok to give away her current location and of course she can always post as she's leaving. I imagine she would be more concerned about giving out the coordinates of her favorite places because she wants to keep them secret ;)

Geotagging is actually something I'm into writing code for (see my recent blog posts for examples), But when I covinced Mie to get the phone and try out this blogging thing she had never heard about I didn't want to press my luck with the gps stuff too.

I'm mo-po'ing this comment right now actually. If my sidekick had GPS I'd throw the coords in here...

Posted by: Dav at May 15, 2003 12:53 PM

See? Isn't Dav the coolest!

Press his luck? I remember sitting in the phone shop I really need all these bells and whistles on my phone? I ultimately went for it to make the long-distance part of our relationship a tad more bearable. Kind of funny to think how much blogging has become a part of me now. I'm actually disappointed I didn't document/blog that very beginning!

Posted by: Mie at May 15, 2003 02:44 PM

You could set up a 6 hour delay until the map gets published or something. I also think it would be cool to have it as an option for things like the haircut or the giving-blood place (that was icky BTW, but I have a thing with needles :-) ) but I dont' think it would a good idea to have it obtain the GPS coordinates automatically for all posts. It could just be used when it made sense. Generally though, I think it's a wicked cool idea.

I'm totally jealous of Dav, BTW. I am also a web-geek, but all my time is taken up managing this HUGE website at work, that I don't have time / energy to do cool lightweight (that's a compliment) stuff like he does. Why the heck am I posting this on Tokyotidbits?

Posted by: Shaun at May 15, 2003 05:23 PM

Yeah, balancing work and interests is a difficult one. I can't figure out where time goes...
But why not post such a thought on TT? It's the comments and reactions from viewers that keep me ticking...hope your work time eases up a bit soon.
: )

Posted by: Mie at May 16, 2003 05:46 PM

Does Tanakasan have a website and coud I possibly get his phone number? Thank you.

Also, does the 5000en include shampoo & blow-drying?

Posted by: Naomi at May 23, 2003 12:57 AM
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