January 01, 2003

So I'm actually in SF, CA now...

Had a hectic week before, and 'just' made it to the Narita Express to take me to the airport in time...but I'm in San Francisco. And it feels goooood to be back. While I'm here, I hope to learn more about setting up a blog so I can start giving more background about myself, but I lived in SF before moving to Tokyo and although I love Tokyo in its own way, my heart is very much tied to SF. Tonight is NYE and I'm going with Dav to what I am sure will be a splendid party with a bunch of Burning Man friends. I'll try to somehow get pics for that (I'm really excited about the outfit I will be wearing)...but I can't use my phone camera now so I'll be posting later...
Happy New Year - Akemashite Omedeto! Kotoshimo dozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

Posted by Mie at January 1, 2003 07:38 AM
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